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Home: Research

We use field measurements to quantify the flux of ozone, volatile organic compounds, water, and carbon oxides  using the eddy covariance and other techniques (gradient and branch enclosure) as well as atmospheric chemistry and weather research and forecasting modeling to address the following main topics (see Research):

  • Chemical mechanism of ozone dry deposition

  • The effects of emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from terrestrial vegetation and marine environment on local and regional photochemical air pollution

  • Chemical mechanism development to account for the interaction between BVOCs (from vegetation and the marine environment) and anthropogenic pollution

  • The effects of environmental conditions on BVOCs emission

  •  Development of techniques for improved evapotranspiration prediction 

Other topics of interest

  • The use of urban forests for air pollution reduction

  • Emission of halocarbons from various landscapes

  • Reactive halogen species - photochemical air pollution interactions

  • Chemical mechanisms of atmospheric mercury oxidation



Dr. Eran Tas

Institute of Environmental Sciences

(Soil and Water Sciences)
Office +972-(0)8-948-9139



Eddy Covariance ozone, carbon dioxide and water vapor flux measurements over a Cicer arietinum (chickpea) field. Ozone fluxes were partitioned using the electric circuit analogy (Li et al., STOTEN, 2018, 2019)

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Eddy covariance measurements over various canopies in Israel to study the mechanisms of ozone deposition to vegetation and the potential effect of biogenic organic compounds on photochemical air pollution (Li et al., STOTEN, 2018, 2019, Dayan et al, ACP, 2020).

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Gradient measurements of halocarbons fluxes (destroy stratospheric and tropospheric ozone), under various landscapes at the Dead Sea (Shechner et al., ACP, 2019)

We use enclosure systems combined with GC-MS techniques to study the composition of emitted biogenic volatile organic compounds and the effect of environmental conditions on their emission rate

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Combining the WRF model with a network of meteorological stations can be synergistic in evapotranspiration prediction  (Bughici et al., 201)

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Chemical mechanisms were developed to simulate the effects of transportation on photochemical air pollution (Gabay and Tas, 2019) and the interaction of biogenic volatile organic compounds with anthropogenic pollution

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Atmospheric chemistry modeling and literature review strongly support the dominant role of photochemical air pollution on atmospheric mercury oxidation in the polluted marine and continental boundary layer (Gabay et al., 2020)

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Atmospheric chemistry modeling based on field measurements points out that reactive halogen species can lead to ozone formation in the polluted marine boundary layer, including coastal areas (Shechner and Tas., 2017)

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